Main Objective

The main objective of the organization is to act as a bridge between the government and the community on all aspects related to aquatic biology including but not limited to research, consultancy, advisory, development (technical) and capacity building (training for local communities). It is aimed at achieving a fuller realization of environmental sustainability for the betterment of aquatic life, which will improve public health and people’s livelihoods.


1. To provide research and consultancy services in different aspects of both marine and freshwater fisheries and aquaculture
2. To promote both marine and freshwater aquaculture for increased fish production
3. To Provide thorough research and consultancy services on environmental conservation and protection
4. To conduct environmental and biological impact assessments on fisheries, aquaculture and any other related aquatic aspects
5. To offer training courses and seminars on different aspects of fisheries, aquaculture and aquatic environmental conservation and protection
6. To offer training courses and seminars on different aspects of fisheries, aquaculture and aquatic environmental conservation and protection

Other Activities

1. To apply for,purchase, take out or otherwise acquire any patents, patent rights, licenses, concessions or inventions, copyright or secret processes which may be useful for the Organization’s objects, and grant licences to use the same or to sell the same outright or on any terms which may, in the opinion of the General meeting, be to the interest of the Organization, to apply for registration of any patents, rights, copyrights, licenses, and the like and to conduct, subsidize or assist in experiments, investigations and researches.
2. To import, purchase or otherwise acquire plants, machinery, and equipment including, but not limited to, computer hardware and software, furniture, fittings, for research and other requirements
3. To carry on any other business, whether financial, manufacturing or otherwise, which is capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with any business of the Organization or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable any of the Organization’s assets
4. To acquire and take over the whole or any part of the business, property and liabilities of any Organization or person carrying on any possession of any property or assets suitable for the purposes of the Organization
5. To conduct, carry out, cause or procure to be conducted and carried out any kind of research work calculated to advance any business or activity which the Organization is authorized to carry on, or in any way related to or connected with any such business or activity, to Organization. This shall include the promotion or undertaking of any educational work or training which may be advantageous to the Organization or conducive to the welfare of its employees, to pay or contribute to the expense of such reach or educational work or training as aforesaid, to employ or engage persons to conduct and carry on the same, and to subscribe or contribute to the funds of any institution or Organization (commercial or otherwise) which undertakes, promotes, conducts or carries out any such research or educational work or training as aforesaid
6. To perform all or part of its objects in any part of the world, and either as principal, agent trustee or otherwise, and either alone or in conjunction with others, through agents, subcontractors, trustees or otherwise
7. To stimulate and promote programs for the improvement and advancement of aquatic sciences in conformity with the country’s policies, guidelines and programs and general environmental protection for the interests of the people and in line with Tanzania’s needs and priorities
8. To take the services of the Organization to all countries in the region and to other African countries, and assist governments in the formulation, implementation, review and revision of appropriate Scientific Research, Environmental and Aquatic development programs for the benefit of the public
9. To provide advisory, consultancy and other services to governmental and other NGOs, to other institutions and to individuals with respect to the orderly development of aquatic sciences and services in the region and other African countries
10. o undertake, either alone or in association with other Organizations, the promotion, support and organization of scientific meetings, research forums, training courses of health personnel and continuing education activities
11. To construct buildings or hire premises for promotion of its activities and sustain the same and to acquire land for erecting such buildings and for other activities beneficial to the Organization
13. o assume responsibility for the control and management of such other activities as the Board of Governors may determine from time to time; and To carry out any other activity lawfully approved by the Board of Directors